Teaching & Learning Projects


Working With: Murrin Bridge Local Aboriginal Land Council

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on adaptive reuse of existing infrastructure in Murrin Bridge. (SPR 2017)


Working With: Walgett Local Aboriginal Land Council

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on adaptative reuse of existing infrastructure (SPR 2018)

Working With: Murrin Bridge Local Aboriginal Land Council

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on refurbishment of an existing medical clinic as a cultural centre. (SPR 2018)

Working With: Dubbo Local Aboriginal Land Council

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on relocation of carved trees (SPR 2018)


Working With: Walgett Local Aboriginal Land Council

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on housing for young Aboriginal People of Walgett (SPR 2019)


Working With: NSW Aboriginal Housing Office

IntArch Undergrad Design Studios focused on Aboriginal housing in the NSW North Western Districts (SPR 2020)


Working With: Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on Aboriginal housing in Wreck Bay Village (SPR 2021)


Working With: Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on eco tourism development at Cave Beach, Boodree National Park (SPR 2022)

Working With: Moree Local Aboriginal Land Council

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on Keeping Place in Moree (SPR 2022)

Working With: Tharawal Local Aboriginal Land Council

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on the adaptive reuse of a former police station in Camden (SPR 2022)

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on the adaptive reuse of a former health facility in Picton (SPR 2022)


Working With: Coonabarabran Local Aboriginal Land Council

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on Aboriginal Housing & Community Infrastructure (SPR 2023)

Working With: BlaQ Aboriginal Corporation

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on a Pride and Culture Centre purposely built for the LGBTQIA+, Sistergirl and Brotherboy peoples in Redfern (SPR 2023)

Working With: Country and Local Peoples

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on cultural, community and ceremonial space(s) in the heart of Sydney for urban Aboriginal Communities (SPR 2023)

Working With: Link-Up

IntArch Undergrad Design Studio focused on a Community Hub or Connection Place that could facilitate the reuniting of Aboriginal peoples, their families and communities in NSW (SPR 2023)

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities! Please get in touch and one of our team members will contact you to begin the conversation.